what I’ve been up to…

I know it’s been a while since I posted.  Personal reasons kept me busy,
I’m finally getting back into the swing of things.

I started on this commission – it’s coming along…
pastel on tan canson paper using PanPastels, my set of Rembrants & CarbOthello.

this is still in the background color stage…



this weeks work…


montauk rose

I started this painting about a week ago-working on it a few hrs a day.

The flower is a wild rose which grows along the dunes on the beach.
(This one was at #Montauk, LI, NY)
I used reference photos that I took in September 2014

these are some of my supplies & colors I used for the flower & leaves









Last week I started a commissioned b&w graphite #pencils #drawing of a daylily.  I sketched out the drawing on white paper & used  drawing #pencils, 6B, 4B,2B, 4H,6H, & ebony.  I am working on a video of drawing the daylily & will be uploading it to my youtube channel soon!




My new website is up & running take a look!




Hi, everyone!

I decided to start over with my blog & will be adding new content on a schedule. Right now I’m also working on updating my website. I bought a basic theme & know just enough of code to get me in trouble (LOL).  Something wasn’t working right & I couldn’t figure out why — so I spent some time going over everything. Sometimes learning as you go is the only way, don’t you think?  Anyway, I’m working on it & will hopefully launch this week!

any suggestions for subjects, leave a comment!



this digital banner was created using my scanned pastel painting,
an old frame & border application -a photoshop plugin*(photoframe 3 & 4) & illustrator.

*There have been No Updates Available for this application for quite some time
(which I think had the best borders & frames — & lots of them)
but, it can’t be used with any of the newer computer systems .
So, I had to dust off my old IMAC (which still works beautifully) to use it.


 Wishing all who Celebrate
#Happy Mother’s Day!!